Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ashlyn's Bapstism and Family Birthday Party

Ashlyn was lucky enough to be baptized ON her birthday, March 29, 2014. It was a cloudy day but it never rained and the temperature was just right. We gathered at our Stake Center for the baptism around noon. She was the only person being baptized that day from our ward, so we had the entire program to ourselves, including all of the prayers and talks! Grandpa Talley gave a short talk on baptism in the chapel before we moved to the font area. Corbin baptized Ashlyn without any mishaps or re-do's :). I gave a talk about the Holy Ghost after we dried Ashy off and changed into her white dress. Then Daddy performed the confirmation accompanied by family members and friends. My favorite part was at the end of my talk when I was telling Ashlyn about how you feel when you have the Holy Ghost with you and how important it is to have, she got teary-eyed and I could just tell she was feeling the spirit :). It was a perfect day for our beautiful little girl.

Ashlyn & Corbin in their "matching" jumpsuits.

My girls :)
Ashlyn with her cousin, Gabriella.
Ashlyn & Rozalyn
This is part of Ashlyn's birth family. Birth great-grandparents, birth grandparents, birth sister, cousin & aunt. We wish her birth parents would have been able to come, but we were grateful for those that did. They love her very much!
Then "Hansen" side of the family
The "Talley" side (missing a lot!!)
Just us!  

Time for presents back at the house!

Ashy's first set of scriptures. She was actually excited about them!
She was probably a little more excited about this!

Ashlyn shares her birthday with her Aunt Adrienne :)
My sistas
Swinging with cousins

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